“I was being metaphorical about the heart and you just got all confused and just couldn’t relate,” John smiled as he said it. We were talking about Saturday night after we got home from an evening out. I remember I had started explaining why the heart and mind act that way because of chemical processes that go on in the mind and body.
Then he started laughing so hard! I wasn’t offended because he never laughs AT me, just with me. But, I had no clue what was so funny. He just reached over and cupped my cheek in his hand and kissed me. He said, “Yup. I’m Captain Kirk and you’re Mr. Spock,” still chuckling.
Then I continued, “Yes, I suppose I’m a combination of Mr. Spock and Data.”
“Data, from The Next Generation.”
He laughed again, “Sorry, love, I am not up on my sci-fi like you are.” I realized what he was talking about and I thought, “OMG, am I the stereotype of a geek where from a lot of these Asperger’s online tests came from?”
I said, “You know, love, I’ve actually had a secret desire to go to a Star Trek convention and dress up and the whole bit, but there are too many people there.”
He started laughing even harder. Again, he was NOT laughing at me. It’s a common joke between us that I do NOT want to go to the Minnesota State Fair every year like he does with the kids because the sheer dizzying cacophony and visual flashes just kill me to the point that I have to leave, and NOW. It’s an extremely serious issue for me, but we laugh about it to take the edge off and to show that he accepts me the way I am. We laugh because he knows never to ask me to go to the State Fair or any other super-crowded venues.
He loves me the way I am and does NOT see me as flawed, nor do I. We are the complete opposites, which is something we both have respect for because we think it is so cool that one can think or do in ways the other can’t. We’re the perfect complement. We even scored almost exactly the opposite on our Myers-Briggs tests, me, an INTJ, as you may have suspected if you are familiar with the test.
I like being logical. It’s relaxing. Yes, I sometimes often to do not know what’s “going on” with other people, but if I understood their drama, I’d be very upset all the time. So, I have Asperger’s and I’m a happy camper being the logical, cool, calm island who people run to when they are emotionally distressed.
I give big hugs and I’m a great listener.
Oh, and about the heart, John was being romantic and saying sweet nothings about how his heart feels for me. It was a little subtle for me, but I always understand and feel it wholeheartedly when he says, “I love you.”
Side thought:
Isn’t the stereotype of a geek, a man? Not so, say I, because I personify geek. Fortunately, “geek” is in style, so I am so de rigueur. I am the brilliant, clueless epitome of cool. Yes, I’m smart and logical, and my kids often say, “You’re going to wear that?”
No, I’m spock!!!