Autism Organizational Ability…or Not

Autism Organization

Autism Disorganization

I’m in the not organized category then at other times, I hyper-organize to a point that is not necessary.  Most of the time–not organized.

My mum said that as a child, I had stacks of papers and books in my room, and she couldn’t figure out how I could find anything.  I kept and still do keep lists of activities I must remember to do, such as household chores, when children are coming over (the ones that don’t already live here), or when to run errands.

I also keep papers of thoughts or ideas that I don’t want to lose, and in OneNote in my computer, I have pages upon pages for both personal and work.  I end up with repetition, so I have to stop myself sometimes, ignore the lists, and just do.

I often wonder if that is behind the autism inertia some adults have reported online.  Is that analysis paralysis?  I want to know all the details before I begin or the task or project doesn’t make sense to me–this doesn’t fit well in the regular job workplace at all, but that’s another post.

“What is the priority?” I ask myself.  So I get one of my many clipboards and make a new list of only priorities and fill the entire paper.  I now ask hubby to help me set ONE priority to get done, which helps tremendously.  He says I can’t do all things at once, so just do that one thing while ignoring everything else.  It works.

What has helped are online organizational tools and a list of what I am to do each day at work with specific blocks of time for specific activities that I keep on the wall in my office.  Reducing visual distraction helps a lot.  I also have three large whiteboards I use to plan and work through ideas using multiple colors of markers, which is a great visual help for me.

I have learned so much about organization that after my business, maybe I’ll be a professional organizer.  Kidding.


New!  For parents of autistic children, I started Autism Community Conversations by conference call.  And, it is free.  Join the mailing list and you will be notified of upcoming calls.  Spread the word!

About Eileen Parker 100 Articles
Support a starving writer, by buying my current book, The Weighted Blanket Guide, on Amazon. I'm a writer working on my fourth book. I live in the Twin Cities with my husband. Between us, we have four children.