Wilbarger Brushing Protocol in the Shower

Sensory Surgical Brush

I learned about surgical brushes while at occupational therapy for sensory processing disorder.  From Tina Champagne’s site, she writes, “Based on the theory of Sensory Integration, the DPPT uses a prescriptive method of providing stimulation to help the mind-brain-body self-organize.”

I sure wish it could help me get organized in the house, but a housekeeper/organizer a surgical brush is not.

The brushing protocol involves brushing the legs and arms then jumping and doing push ups against the wall for joint compression.  It sounds so un-pill-like, doesn’t it?  I wrote an article for the American Occupational Therapy Association on the non-pill value of OT.

Anyway, back to the headline.  I now brush in the shower.  My daughter and I were at Target, so I looked at their sauna brushes, and I hadn’t realized that they were so cheap.  I would have gotten one a long time ago.

I put soap on the brush and scrub.  The brushing protocol directs not to use it on the torso, but I love it.  I have the cleanest back in the country, and I am the most relaxed person in the country for a few hours afterwards.

Do try, dahling!

About Eileen Parker 100 Articles
Support a starving writer, by buying my current book, The Weighted Blanket Guide, on Amazon. I'm a writer working on my fourth book. I live in the Twin Cities with my husband. Between us, we have four children.